The Solution To All Your Compliance Needs!
The Solution To All Your Compliance Needs!
Metro Express Logistics LLC respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy sets forth how we handle the information we obtain from you and learn about you when you visit our website. This Privacy Policy contains information about:
We believe that you have the right to know what information is being collected about you and what is done with that information. The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of any information collected while it is in place.
This Privacy Policy only applies to this website. Other websites that are linked to or from this website may have different privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy policies, or lack thereof, set forth on websites accessed through links from this website. Please review the privacy notices on those sites for details about their privacy policies.
Notice of Change
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy and encourage you to revisit this web page. Should we change this Privacy Policy, we will post such changes on this website. By continuing to use this website after any changes are posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes. We request that you update your contact information when it changes. This can be accomplished either by sending an e-mail to with your revised contact information or by notifying us. We will not be held liable for failure to notify you of any changes in the Privacy Policy if you fail to update your contact information with us in a timely manner.
Collection of Information
While the word “privacy” may mean different things to different people, we believe that once you understand how your information will be used, the steps we take to protect your PII, and the resulting benefits to you, you will feel confident when sharing information with us. One key is that we do not rent, sell or share your PII to anyone without your consent. Additionally, you will not be contacted by any third-party without your consent. Logistics Plus collects two types of information about you when you visit our website: PII and non-personal, aggregated information, such as information about the pages on our website you have visited and your IP address.
2022 | Metro Express Logistics LLC